
Remembering the Avon Lady

Avon has a new product line on the market for teens and young women. Since reading about Mark (that's what they call it) I've wanted to try it out (of course!) So last week I ordered a couple of products online. The stuff is very inexpensive and I had to order enough to make the shipping charge worthwhile. I'm surprisingly pleased with the products I received. I ordered lip balm, lip gloss, lip stick and a body scrub. I know, you're thinking, "how many lip products does this girl need?" "You only have two lips!" Well, the beautybabe likes to know it all. And I like my lips. Even when they are dry, they're still mine and that makes them special. Speaking of liking oneself, this is just a reminder that it's OK, even encouraged to treat yourself to a special something every now and then. So I spent some money on lip products. Now I have something to write about on my blog. And I had a bad cold and the make-up cheered me up. Life is short. Enjoy yourself, ain't that right Boca Bombshell!

Top Shelf Recommendation:
Mark Juice Gems lip gloss. Available online. Light taste and feels great on the lips.

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