My mom swears by La Mer. She says it's the only cream that doesn't make her itch or twitch, or something like that. Anyway, I recently received a sample of their hand cream. Apparently, Slimdi (aka my mom) knows what she's talking about. Not only did the cream soften my hands, it smells divine. All during the movie "Fever Pitch" (love Drew! love Jimmy!) I kept sniffing my hands. Definitely better than having hands smell like buttered popcorn. Anyway, I've got many more products to tell you about but my radio work calls. Play ball! Oh yeah, someone emailed me and asked me about Du Wop's Lip Venom. I've used it. Who knows if it can really plump my pout ... but it sure awakens the senses. Very strong cinnamon flavor. You may want to try this out before pulling out the Visa, Amex, Discover etc.
Top Shelf Recommendation: Coppertone's new continuous spray "sport" sunscreen (waterproof, no spills!) Available at CVS, Target, Eckerd. Just remember, it only works if you apply it before you lay out, not two hours after gettin burnt.