
Helping Others During a Time of Crisis

It's hard to believe what the hell is going on all over the Gulf Coast. My husband just returned from a week of work there and he said the damage is overwhelming and he's not one to use hyperbole. I hope this doesn't sound trite, but I'd love to see a pharmaceutical company donate - in addition to maintenance meds for asthma et. al, supplies, you know things like soap, toothpaste, hand cream to the victims, survivors and workers living in the swamps of Louisiana. I wish I could pay for every woman to have a massage. God knows - everyone there is going to need it. It's hard for me to watch people expire from a lack of food and water. And it makes me realize how this country has a big divide between the haves and the have nots. I'll return to posting about products in a few weeks when I feel less stupid writing about lipstick and blush during times of crisis.