

Ever notice how you're always thirsty in the winter? I think heat dries out the throat. Anyway, I've been trying to drink a lot. I have to since I talk for a living. I'm taking a break from beer and drinking water, seltzer and low-cal fruit juice. Here's a hint for a healthy glow. Next time you want some flavored water, make it yourself by putting a few orange slices or cucumber slices into a pitcher or water bottle. I can't take credit for this tip. I got it at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC at their amazing world class spa. Got to love the spa. Calagon ... Take me away.

Top Shelf Recommendation: Tangelo oranges ... for the water bottles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great tip with the cucumbers -- gotta love the Grove Park Inn. Strawberries also add a nice flava.

JLP in da 312