

An update on Miss Nina:

Well it's 9:38pm and Nina is doing what she does best. She's napping -- or at least trying to nap. She is resting comfortably on top of my leather Crate and Barrel ottoman.
I think the Furminator wore her out. That, or she's just being a lazy ole cat.

I know this blog is for beauty products for adults, but I have to post about an item I bought for my cat, NINA.

It's called The Furminator.

This thing is the king of taking care of shedding animals. It looks like a brush, but it is very sharp. I just bought it at Petco on B'way.

So far, so good. I have a small pile of white and grey hair in my apartment. Any ideas for what to do with the excess hair? I always throw it out, but I kind of feel guilty.

Will report back later. I hope this helps with her hairballs.

Isn't she the prettiest cat in the whole wide world?

1 comment:

eye4style said...

What a pretty lady! I need to try this out...my two kitties and their fur are taking over my apartment.