
Thanks for The Samples

Jo Malone has been making waves since she started giving luxurious facials years ago. I've enjoyed her perfumes and candles.

This week I popped into the store on Broadway. It's a beautiful store. I'm talking about the one on the ground floor of the Flatiron Bulding at 949 Broadway. Here's their phone number: 212-673-2220.
I sampled at least a dozen fragrances. But I'm a creature of habit. I still really like Honeysuckle and Jasmine.

And I enjoyed talking with the kind staffers. I kept trying things without ever feeling like I had to buy something. That's my kind of store.

This holiday season, if you need a gift, consider the gift of a Jo Malone facial. You may also want to consider one of Jo Malone's gift sets. You can be sure ... it won't be regifted. Take a look.

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