
Back To Biolage

I remember when Biolage (Matrix) first came out and it was all the rage. The other day I had to buy it. I just had to rekindle the smell and the way the conditioning balm softened my hair. Ever think about stuff like that? It's nice to switch products and to bring back the love. Plus, when you factor in the sun, chlorine and sweat, an extra dose of conditioner can make all the difference. I don't condition every day, but I'm upping my use of conditioner as my hair grows.

Top Shelf Recommendation: Carmex for those pesky dry lips that seem to surface during summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

help, beauty babe! i recently spent too much time in the sun and the skin on my face is flaking and uneven. how do i solve this? what do you recommend? should i try to exfoliate my face off? help, beauty emergency!!! love, your beautiful lotus.